We work across the three realms of practice which have been developed by the Natural Academy.
These are:

Nature Health and Wellbeing
When we work in this realm we focus on nature based activities that will support general wellbeing - helping you flourish and develop a greater sense of connectedness to self, to others and to the natural world. We will spend time in nature and teach you nature connection practices that will reduce stress and resource you in times of difficulty. We will support you to build confidence, learn new skills, and develop practices that help you come into the present moment and quieten a busy mind. The Nature, Health and Wellbeing realm is mainly delivered in a group setting and offers a range of practices that would typically include practical activities such as fire building, connection to nature through the senses, creative activities, nature based mindfulness.
Our services include Woodland Wellness, Nature Buddies and NatureWell Staff Wellbeing/Team Building
In this realm we work with you in nature to help you explore your personal healing, growth and development journey, and support you to find the resources you need to be more fulfilled in yourself, with others and in your life in general. We offer a range of nature based eco-therapeutic interventions and techniques.
Our services will include Nature Reflects Group and 1:1 sessions.
Deeper Nature/ Spiritual Ecology
In this realm we work with you and bring you into contact with nature as a mirror and metaphor of the trans-personal, depth psychology and more than human world. Nature mirrors to us continuously and this can offer deep insight through, creative processes, imagination, non-ordinary states of consciousness, movement, vision quest, meditation etc.
Our services will include Climate Cafe's, Deep Time Walks and Wheel of the Year celebrations
NATURE Connects is proud to be part of the Natural Academy's learning community.
We find the realms of practice to be a really effective way to support any groups or individuals based on their specific needs and interests.
Please get in touch to discuss how we can support you
From Biodiversity, health and wellbeing in Cornwall’s Public Open Space
University of Exeter & Cornwall Council
Noticing nature report from The National Trust and University of Derby
Prescribing green space The importance and the barriers NHS England.
5 year review of the Wildlife Trust's 30 days wild challenge.

Exposure to nature not only makes you feel better emotionally, it contributes to your physical well-being, reducing blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension and the production of stress hormones
Green Prescriptions: Alternatives to mainstream medication and pharmaceutical drugs are now encouraged and understood by many GP's and health professionals to be a viable, cost-effective and better way to treat or improve certain conditions and illness. Therefore when you go to your doctor you can ask whether a green prescription can help you and ask for an appointment with a link worker. You should then be 'prescribed' to a link worker who will book you a longer appointment during which they will listen to you and will show you the many offerings available through social and green prescriptions schemes and help you choose if any may be right for you. All GP surgeries in Cornwall now have contact with link workers, so next time you see your doctor for a check up, ask how they can help you find out what services are available.
(not all services are funded, although, like ours, many organisations run on a non-profit or charitable basis, if you think social prescriptions are important, mention them, with support, in the future, more organisations like ours will be funded as the viable health providers they are)
Our hopes for the future: As awareness grows, some GP practices are turning to natural alternatives in well being interventions and therapies. Through what is known as 'green prescriptions', GP's can recommend to their patient that spending more time in nature could benefit them. By working with link workers we aim to increase awareness of and referrals to nature-based practices in Cornwall, which has high numbers of people suffering from physical and mental health issues. Areas of the county also have some of the highest levels of poverty in the UK, which raises stress levels, a known factor in affecting positive health.